
I am a family enthusiast

Inspiring families

to focus on what’s essential

and to become

simply happier!

I believe less is more! In this hectic world, families need the space and reassurance to hear that it’s ok to slow down, decrease commitments and gracefully say, ‘No,’ so that they can say, ‘YES,’ to their family time. The Essentialist Family values the season of life you’re in, finding simple moments to cherish, while bringing joy into your home.

With a MA from Teachers College, Columbia University and a certified Professional Life Coach, I intertwine educational philosophies with real-life solutions. I empower parents to focus on making simple changes to better their daily lives. It’s my hope to be a source of support and encouragement along this journey of parenthood.

I’m incredibly honored you are here!

❤︎ Lauri

Let’s connect: lauri@theessentialistfamily.com

My family 🙂